17th World Summit on Positive Psychology, Psychotherapy & Cognitive Behavioral Sciences
Toronto, Canada

Jamie Rose Brown
Kyani-Team Fusion & the Happiness Ninja, Australia
Title: Creating a better world through online avenues in positive psychology
Biography: Jamie Rose Brown
Do positive psychology interventions provide an effective treatment for mental health problems? There is growing evidence to suggest that it does. The research conducted specifically on the benefits of online positive psychology programs is minimal but promising. Results suggest that using an online positive psychology program can decrease symptoms of psychopathology and increase well-being in young people, especially for those who use the website for 30 minutes or longer per week or more frequently. Qualitative data indicated that 49 of 61 users (79%) reported positive experiences using the website and 55 (89%) agreed they would continue to use it after study completion. Compared to the control condition, participants in the condition with high levels of adherence (usage of the website for 30 minutes or more per week) reported significant decreases in depression and stress and improvements in well-being. These findings are encouraging and suggest that the online delivery of positive psychology programs may be an alternate way to address mental health issues and improve youth well-being nationally. The gaps in this overall area is detrimental to the welfare of both our current and future generations and the methods in which maximum reach of preventative programs through technology advancements can be conducted. The project – The Happiness Nina – helps to fill this gap. In my project I will be looking at the impact that online programs and community forums have on people’s [not just youth] overall mental health and well-being levels. I argue that online programs are a suitable platform to create mainstream growth, connectedness and awareness, which will create a valuable impact on both individuals and communities as a whole. This project will shed new light on these overlooked areas and help path the way for the future